Monday, July 26, 2010

Two Minute Noodles on Memory Lane

Today I'm taking the time to appreciate the things I don't appreciate any more.....rather than reading the book I'm supposed to be reading at the moment. Reminiscing is obviously far more important.
So I cooked up a other words I turned on the kettle and added a little flavouring and voila! My specialty....two minute noodles. And I have about reached my cooking limits for the day. I have not, however, reached the limits of my thoughts. Oh my no. An endless of stream of memories are racing each other around my little brain as we speak.
So I decided to sit down, pop on some sad little tunes and let the thoughts flow, picking them apart and deciphering each one in turn.
But this has proved to be more difficult than I thought. As I sit here and think 'What am I thinking about?' my mind instantly goes blank. I'm guessing one of the things that has been on my mind lately is the realisation that one perso can make all the difference to your life, and you don't realise how much until they are gone. And this isn't always a positive thing. Sometimes, someone can have such a negative impact on you and you forget what life was like before negativity took over. As much as we go around telling everbody to 'surround youreslf with people who make you happy' etc etc, can we really do it? 'Toxic friends'. How can you get rid of there people from your life, if you call them your friends and are attached to them? I think we should change the saying to 'Surround yourself with people who make you happy, and try as hard as you can not to let the people who don't, get to you.' It is much more realistic.
Even so, life is wonderful. Almost like a fairy tale. I know, cliche. But if you think about it, people sook about never getting their happy ending, but how is it really an ending? Life goes on right? So isn't the ending, well, when you die? You get through life, and then your happy ending comes.

Here are some Happy Snaps, to end a somewhat negative blog, happily ever after:

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